Refereed journals:
Fernandes, C., Farinha, L., Ferreira, J., Asheim, B. and Rutten, R. (2020). Regional innovation systems: What we can learn from 25 years of scientific achievements, Regional Studies, published online, pp. 1-13 (DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2020.1782878)
Rutten, R. (2020), Applying and assessing large-N QCA: Causality and robustness from a critical realist perspective, Sociological Methods & Research, published online, pp. 1-33. (DOI: 10.1177/0049124120914955)
Rutten, R. (2020), Comparing causal logics: A configurational analysis of proximities using simulated data, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie, published online, pp. 1-15, (DOI: 10.155/zfw-2019-0023)
Van den Broek, J., Rutten, R. and Benneworth, P. (2020), Innovation and SMEs in Interreg policy: Too early to move beyond bike lanes? Policy Studies, Vol 41-1, pp. 1-22. (DOI: 10.1080/01442872.2018.1539225)
Abbay, A., Rutten, R., Azadi, H. and Witlox, F. (2019), How social status contributes to sustainable livelihoods? An empirical analysis in Ethiopia, Sustainability – an open access journal, 11(1), 68, pp. 1-24. (DOI: 10.3390/su11010068)
Rutten, R. (2019), Openness values and regional innovation: A set-analysis, Journal of Economic Geography, Vol. 19-6: pp. 1211-1232. (DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lby061)
Abbay, A., Rutten, R. and De Graaf, P. (2018), Social capital, geographical distance and transaction costs: An empirical analysis of social networks in African rural areas, Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 30(3): 202-224. (DOI: 10.1111/rurd.12087)
Van den Broek, J., Benneworth, P. and Rutten, R. (2018), Border blocking effects in collaborative firm innovation, European Planning Studies, online first. (DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2018.1476470)
Rutten, R. (2017), Beyond proximities: The socio-spatial dynamics of knowledge creation, Progress in Human Geography, Vol. 41-2, pp. 159-177. (DOI: 10.1177/0309132516629003)
Gebrekidan, A. and Rutten, R. (2015), Does spatial proximity to small towns matter for rural livelihoods? A propensity score matching analysis in Ethiopia, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, published online 28 October 2015. (DOI 10.1007/s12076-015-0158-y)
Rutten, R. (2014), Learning in socio-spatial context: An individual perspective, Prometheus, Critical Studies in Innovation, Vol. 32-1, pp. 67-74. (DOI: 10.1080/08109028.2014.945291)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2013), Beyond the learning region: A new direction for conceptualizing the relation between space and learning, European Planning Studies, Vol. 21-5, pp. 722-734. (DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2013.733505)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2012), From learning region to learning in socio-spatial context, Regional Studies, Vol. 46-8, pp. 981-992. (DOI: 10.1080/003433404.2012.712679)
Irawati, D. and Rutten, R. (2011), The Java automotive industry: Between keiretsu and learning region, Journal for Global Business Advancement, Vol. 4-3, pp. 208-223. (DOI: 10.1504/JGBA.2011.043280
Rutten, R., Westlund, H. and Boekema, F. (2010), The spatial dimension of social capital (Introduction to special issue), European Planning Studies, Vol. 18-6, pp. 863-871. (DOI: 10.1080/09654311003701381)
Rutten, R. and Gelissen, J. (2010), Social values and the economic development of regions, European Planning Studies, Vol. 18-6, pp. 921-939. (DOI: 10.1080/09654311003701456)
Westlund, H., Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2010), Social capital, distance, values and levels of space, European Planning Studies, Vol. 18-6, pp. 965-970. (DOI: 10.1080/09654311003701506)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2009), Universities and regional development, Regional Studies, Vol. 43-5, pp. 771-775. (DOI: 10.1080/00343400902986437)
Rutten, R. and Oerlemans, L. (2009), Temporary inter-organizational collaboration as a driver of regional innovation: An evaluation, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development, Vol. 1-3, pp. 211-234. (DOI: 10.1504/IJIRD.2009.021844)
Rutten, R. and Gelissen, J. (2008), Technology, talent, diversity and the wealth of European regions, European Planning Studies, Vol. 16-6/7, pp. 989-1010. (DOI: 10.1080/09654310802163785)
Knoben, J., Oerlemans, L. and Rutten, R. (2008), The effects of spatial mobility on the performance of firms, Economic Geography, Vol. 84-2, pp. 157-184. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1944-8287.2008.tb00402.x)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2007), Regional social capital: Embeddedness, innovation networks and regional economic development, in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 74-9, pp. 1834-1846. (DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2007.05.012)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2007), Spatial innovation systems: Theory and cases, an introduction, European Planning Studies, Vol. 15-2, pp. 171-177. (DOI: 10.1080/09654310601078655)
Gößling, T. and Rutten, R. (2007), Innovation in regions, European Planning Studies, Vol. 15-2, pp. 253-270. (DOI: 10.1080/09654310601078788)
Knoben, J., Oerlemans, L., and Rutten, R. (2006), Radical changes in inter-organizational network structures: The longitudinal gap, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 73-4, pp. 390-404. (DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2005.05.010)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2005). Innovation, policy and economic growth: Theory and cases. European Planning Studies, Vol. 13-8, pp. 1131-1136. (DOI: 10.1080/09654310500336436)
Rutten, R. (2004). Inter-firm Knowledge Creation: A Re-appreciation of Embeddedness From a Relational Perspective. European Planning Studies, Vol. 12-5, pp. 659-675. (DOI: 10.1080/0965431042000220002)
Boekema, F. and Rutten, R. (2004). Knowledge, networks and proximity: An embeddedness perspective. European Planning Studies, Vol. 12-5, pp. 603-606. (DOI: 10.1080/ 0965431042000219969)
Batenburg, R., and Rutten, R. (2003). Managing innovation in regional supply networks: a Dutch case of “knowledge industry clustering”. Supply Chain Management, Vol. 8-3, pp. 263-270. (DOI: 10.1108/13598540310484654)
Books and book chapters
Rutten, R. (2019), Critical realism and complex causality: On the assumptions you buy in to when you are making causal claims, Oisterwijk: Wolf Publishers.
Rutten, R. (2017), Knowledge creation in temporary organizations, in Peris-Ortiz, M. and Ferreira, J. (Eds), Cooperative and networking strategies in small business, Cham: Springer, pp. 175-196.
Setiawan, E., Irawati, D. and Rutten, R. (2016), Indonesian entrepreneurs in the UK: A social capital perspective on challenges and opportunities of migrant entrepreneurs, in Westlund, H. and Larsson, J. (Eds), Handbook of social capital and regional development, Cheltenham: Edward Elagar, pp; 193-220.
Sebayang, F., Rutten, R. and Irawati, D. (2015), Cultural capital and industrial cluster competitiveness: A case study of the Cibaduyut footwear industry, in Farinha, L., Ferreira, J., Lawton Smith, H. and Bagchi-Sen, Sh. (Eds), Handbook of research on global competitive advantage through innovation and entrepreneurship, Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 242-260. (ISBN: 978-14666-8348-8, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9348-8.ch015)
Rutten, R., Benneworth, P., Irawati, D. and Boekema, F. (Eds), (2014), The social dynamics of innovation networks, London: Routledge. (ISBN: 978-0-415-85947-9)
Benneworth, P., Irawati, D., Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2014), The social dynamics of innovation networks: From learning region to learning in socio-spatial context, in Rutten, R. et al. (Eds), The social dynamics of innovation networks, pp. 3-20, London: Routledge. (ISBN: 978-0-415-85947-9)
Benneworth, P. and Rutten, R. (2014), Mapping the contours of the SDIN space economy, in Rutten, R. et al. (Eds), The social dynamics of innovation networks, pp. 259-276, London: Routledge. (ISBN: 978-0-415-85947-9)
Irawati, D. and Rutten, R. (Eds), (2014), Emerging knowledge economies is Asia: Current trends in ASEAN 5. Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy, London: Routledge. (ISBN 978-0-415-64247-7)
Irawati, D. and Rutten, R. (2014), Introduction: Asian knowledge economies, in Irawati, D. and Rutten, R. (Eds), Emering knowledge economies in Asia, pp. 1-12. (ISBN 978-0-415-64247-7)
Irawati, D. and Rutten, R. (2014), The Indonesian automotive industry in the global-local production networks of ASEAN, in Irawati, D. and Rutten, R. (Eds), Emerging knowledge economies in Asia, pp. 75-93. (ISBN 978-0-415-64247-7)
Rutten, R. and Irawati, D. (2013), Clusters, learning, and regional development: Theory and cases, in Ferreira, J., Raposo, M., Rutten, R. and Varga, A. (Eds), Cooperation, clusters and knowledge transfer: Universities and firms toward regional competitiveness, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 127-140. (ISBN 978-3-642-33193-0)
Ferreira, J., Raposo, M., Rutten, R. and Varga, A. (Eds), (2013), Cooperation, clusters, and knowledge transfer: Universities and firms towards regional competitiveness, Dordrecht: Springer. (ISBN 978-3-642-33193-0)
Rutten, R. and Irawati, D. (2013), Learning in regional networks: The role of social capital, in Adam, F. and Westlund, H. (Eds), Innovation in socio-cultural context, London: Routledge, pp. 142-158. (ISBN 978-0-415-63622-3)
Benneworth, P. and Rutten, R. (2013), “Individuals” networks and regional renewal: A case study of social dynamics and innovation in Twente, in Adam, F. and Westlund, H. (Eds), Innovation in socio-cultural context, London: Routledge, pp. 185- 208. (ISBN 978-0-415-63622-3)
Rutten, R. and Irawati, D. (2011), Clusters as regional learning networks: Social values and cluster policy, in Adam, F. and Westlund, H. (Eds), Socio-cultural dimensions of innovation performance, Ljubljana and Stockholm: Institute for Developmental and Strategic Analysis, pp. 81-106. (ISBN 978-961-92399-5-7)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2007), Regional innovation clusters: Evaluation of the South-East Brabant cluster scheme, in Cooke, Ph. and Schwartz, D. (eds), Creative regions: Technology, culture and knowledge entrepreneurship, London: Routledge, pp. 105-126. (ISBN: 978-0-415-43428-7)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (Eds), (2007), The learning region: Foundations, state of the art, future, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (ISBN: 978-1-84376-938-5)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2007), The learning region: Foundations, state of the art, future, in Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (Eds), The learning region: Foundations, state of the art, future, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 1-11. (ISBN: 978-1-84376-938-5)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2007), The learning region: A conceptual anatomy, in Rutten, R. and Boekema. F. (eds), The learning region: Foundations, state of the art, future, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 127-142. (ISBN: 978-1-84376-938-5)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2007), A future for the learning region, in Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (eds), The learning region: Foundations, state of the art, future, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 275-292. (ISBN: 978-1-84376-938-5)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2007), Regional externalities and clusters: A Dutch network case study, in Heijman, W. (Ed.), Regional externalities, Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 189-214. (ISBN 978-3-540-35483-3)
Rutten, R., and Boekema, F. (2005). Competitiveness in regional clusters, the case of Océ’s “Knowledge Industry Clustering” project, in Boschma, R. and Kloosterman, R. (Eds), Learning from clusters: a critical assessment, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 203-224. (ISBN 1-4020-3671-X)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2004). A knowledge-based view on innovation in regional networks: The case of the KIC project, in De Groot, H, Nijkamp, P. and Stough, R. (Eds), Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Development: A spatial perspective, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 175-197. (ISBN 1-84376-890-9)
Rutten, R., and Boekema, F. (2004). The spatial dimension of inter-firm learning: case study and conceptualization, in Cooke, Ph. and Piccaluga, A. (Eds), Regional economies as knowledge laboratories, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 181-196. (ISBN 1-84376-821-6)
Lagendijk, A., and Rutten, R. (2003). Associational dilemmas in regional innovation strategy development: regional innovation support organisation and the RIS/RITTS programmes, in Rutten, R., Boekema, F., and Kuijpers, E. (Eds), Economic geography of higher education: Knowledge infrastructure and learning regions (Studies in Business Organization and Networks, 23), London: Routledge, pp. 204-226. (ISBN 0-415-26772-2)
Rutten, R., Boekema, F., and Kuijpers, E. (2003). Economic Geography of Higher Education: setting the stage, in Rutten, R., Boekema, F., and Kuijpers, E. (Eds), Economic Geography of Higher Education (Studies in Business Organization and Networks, 23), London: Routledge, pp. 1-16. (ISBN 0-415-26772-2)
Rutten, R., Boekema, F., and Kuijpers, E. (2003). HEIs, regions and the knowledge-based economy, in Rutten, R., Boekema, F., and Kuijpers, E. (Eds), Economic Geography of Higher Education (Studies in Business Organization and Networks, 23), London: Routledge, pp. 244-252. (ISBN 0-415-26772-2)
Rutten, R., Boekema, F., and Kuijpers, E. (Eds). (2003). Economic Geography of Higher Education: Knowledge Infrastructure and Learning Regions (Routledge studies in business organizations and networks, 23), London: Routledge. (ISBN 0-415-26772-2)
Rutten, R. (2003). Knowledge and innovation in regional industry: An entrepreneurial coalition (Studies in global competition series), London: Routledge. (ISBN 0-415-32014-3)
Rutten, R. (2002), The entrepreneurial coalition: Knowledge-based collaboration in a regional manufacturing network, Nijmegen: WLP. (ISBN 90-585-028-4)
Rutten, R. (2000). Innovation in Regional Supplier Networks: the Case of KIC, in Boekema, F., Morgan, K., Bakkers, S., and Rutten, R. (Eds), Knowledge, Innovation and Economic Growth: the Theory and Practice of Learning Regions, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 217-244. (ISBN 1-84064-215-7)
Boekema, F., Morgan, K., Bakkers, S., and Rutten, R. (2000). Introduction to learning regions. A new issue for regional analysis?, in Boekema, F., Morgan, K., Bakkers, S., and Rutten, R. (Eds), Knowledge, Innovation and Economic Growth. The Theory and Practice of Learning Regions, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 3-17. (ISBN 1-84064-215-7)
Rutten, R., Bakkers, S., and Boekema, F. (2000). The analysis of learning regions: Conclusions and Research Agenda, in Boekema, F., Morgan, K., Bakkers, S., and Rutten, R. (Eds), Knowledge, Innovation and Economic Growth. The Theory and Practice of Learning Regions, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 245-258. (ISBN 1-84064-215-7)
Boekema, F., Morgan, K., Bakkers, S., and Rutten, R. (Eds). (2000). Knowledge, Innovation and Economic Growth. The Theory and Practice of Learning Regions. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (ISBN 1-84064-215-7)
Other (e.g., book reviews, conference proceedings, non-scientific journals)
Rubinson, C., Rutten, R., Gerrits, L., and Greckhamer, Th (2019), Avoiding common errors in QCA: A short guide for new practitioners,
Rutten, R. (2019), Expertadvies S3Chem project Limburg, Tilburg: Universiteit van Tilburg.
Rutten, R. (2019), Bibliotheek Midden-Brabant verbindt: Onderzoek naar de maatschappelijke relevantie van de Bibliotheek Midden-Brabant, Tilburg: Tilburg University.
Rutten, R. (2018), Het verhaal van een ramp: Tenerife 27 maart 1977, Oisterwijk: Wolf Publishers.
Rutten, R. (2016), Van tweeën één, in van Manen, S. (Red.), De grenzen van verdraagzaamheid: Prijsvraag 2016, Haarlem: Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij der Wetenschappen, pp. 21-28.
Rutten, R. (2015), Proximities: The illusion of a-spatiality and the importance of place, in Reynolds, L. (Eds), Great transformation: Recasting regional policy, Seaford: Regional Studies Association, 210-212.
Rutten, R. (2014), Beyond proximities: The socio-spatial dimension of knowledge creation, in Mitchell, E. (Ed.), Sustainable recovery? Rebalancing, growth, and the space economy – conference proceedings of the Regional Studies Association winter conference November 2014, Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 199-201. (ISBN 978-1-897721-49-0)
Irawati, D. and Rutten, R. (2014), ASEAN’s emerging knowledge economies: From 1.0 to 2.0, Strategic Review, The Indonesian Journal of Leadership, Policy and World Affairs, Volume 4 (4): 117-124.
Rutten, R. (2014), Innovatie in Brabant: Successen uit het verleden en uitdagingen voor de toekomst, in Provincie Brabant (Ed.), Het Nieuwste Brabant, Eindhoven: Uitgeverij Lecturis, pp. 645-663.
Rutten, R. (2013), Rutten on Karlsson, Johansson, Stough (Eds): The regional economics of knowledge and talent: local advantage in a global context, Environment and Planning B, Vol. 40-2, pp. 373-374. (DOI: 1068/b4002rev)
Rutten, R. (2013), Knowledge economy 2.0 and territorial innovation models, in Beauclair, A. and Reynolds, L. (Eds), Shape and be shaped: The future dynamics of regional development, Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 132. (ISBN 978-1-897721-44-5)
Rutten, R., Benneworth, P., Irawati, D. and Boekema, F. (2012), Territorial innovation models beyond the learning region: Toward understanding the social dynamics of innovation networks, in Beauclaire, A. and Mitchell, E. (Eds), Networks regions and cities Times of fragmentation: Developing smart, sustainable inclusive places, Seaford: Regional Studiess Association, pp. 161-162. (ISBN 978-897721-41-4)
Rutten, R., Smit, S., Swinkels, L. (2011), Project evaluatie MKB Design Brabant, Tilburg: Universiteit van Tilburg.
Boekema, F. and Rutten, R. (2011), Beyond the learning region: The social dynamics of innovation networks, in Beauclair, A. and Mitchell, E. (Eds), Regional development and policy: Challenges, choices and recipients, Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 12-13.(ISBN 978-897721-39-1)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2009), The learning region: New directions, in Bauclair, A. and Buckley, V., Global recession: Regional impacts on housing, jobs, health and wellbeing, Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 51-53. (ISBN 978-1-897721-37-7)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2008), The spatial dimension of social capital, in Bibby-Larsen, L. (ed.), Working regions, Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 84-86. (ISBN 9781897721346)
Gößling, T. and Rutten, R. (2006), Innovative regions, in Sally, H., Bibby-Larsen, L., and Freeland, F. (Eds), Global regions?, Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 55-57. (ISBN 9781897721308)
Rutten, R. and Boekema, F. (2006), A future for the learning region, in Sally, H., Bibby-Larsen, L., and Freeland, F. (Eds), Global regions?, Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 17-19. (ISBN 9781897721308)
Rutten, R. (2006), Knowledge management: A view from organisation sociology, Vite Bulletin, Vol. 32, July, pp. 20-21.
Oerlemans, L.A.G. en Rutten, R. (2006), In de Ban van de Clustering: Een evaluatieonderzoek naar de Stimulus Clusterregeling, Tilburg: Universiteit van Tilburg.
Rutten, R. (2005). Innovatiestrategie in ruimtelijk perspectief. Stedebouw and Ruimtelijke Ordening, Vol. 86-3, pp. 32-36.
Rutten, R., and Boekema, F. (2005). Regional innovation clusters: effects on firm performance of participation in temporary innovation networks, in S. Hardy, L.B. Larsen, and F. Freeland (Eds), Regional Growth Agendas, Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 66-67. (ISBN 1-897721-27-2)
Rutten, Roel (2005). Trust: a relational perspective, in Goessling, T., Jansen, R., and Oerlemans, L. (Eds), Coalitions and Collisions, Nijmegen: Wolf Publishers, pp. 153-160.
Rutten, R., and Boekema, F. (2004). The practice of learning regions: The Stimulus case, in Hardy, S., Larsen, B., and Freeland, F. (Eds), The challenges of localism, Seaford: Regional Studies, pp. 57-59. (ISBN 9781897721261)
Boekema, F. and Rutten, R. (2003). Economic geography of higher education: The role of higher education institutes in the knowledge-based economy, in Hardy, S. (Ed.), Economic Governance Post-Devolution: Differentiation or Convergence?, London: Regional Studies Association, pp. 65-67. (ISBN 9781897721223)
Rutten, R. (2003). Innovatie: de kunst van het combineren. Facility Management Informatie, Vol. 10-8, pp. 8-9.
Boekema, F. and Rutten, R. (2003). Knowledge-based collaboration in a regional manufacturing network: A case-study, in Hardy, S. (Ed.) Reinventing regions in the Global Economy, Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 32. (ISBN 9781897721216)
Rutten, R. (2003). The social context of innovation: Knowledge creation in small inter-firm teams, in Scott, C. and Thurston, W. (Eds), Collaboration in context, Calgary: Institute for Gender Research, pp. 69-80. (ISBN 0-88953-262-1)
Rutten, R., and Boekema, F. (2002). The entrepreneurial coalition: Knowledge-based collaboration in a regional manufacturing network, in Hardy, S. (Ed.), Building Entrepreneurial Capacity in the Regions, Seaford: Regional Studies Association, pp. 16-19. (ISBN 9781897721209)
Boekema, F., and Rutten, R. (1999). Innovation in buyer-supplier networks; A case study, in Schruyer, S. (Ed.), Multi-Organisational Partnerships and Cooperative Strategy, The Hague: Dutch University Press, pp. 179-191 (ISBN 90-361-9820-8)
Rutten, R. (1998). The process of innovation. Firms, networks, and their spatial dimensions. WORC Paper (Int. r. no. 98.02.001). WORC, Work and Organization Research Centre.